Stem Cell Greatness comes from years and years of medical, regenerative medicine practice and experience.
ResoraLife (in Brevard County) and Total Spine (in Vero Beach) have joined forces to bring you the absolute best in stem cell therapy … hints the ” stem cell greatness ” title.
When you have an orthopedic injury, thinking about treatment options can be stressful. Especially when you have the mainstream doctors telling you “you are going to need surgery for this injury”.
Orthopedic breaks or injury consist of injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Often, these injuries relate to bones and joints and are a result of an accident or trauma to the body.
Trama to the body can be …
Top 10 Most Common Orthopedic Injuries Seen at Our Regenerative Clinic
1. Meniscus Tear
Knee pain, swelling, stiffness, and difficulty extending the knee are most likely symptoms of a meniscus tear.
The meniscus is cartilage (lube) in our knees that allows for easy movement of the legs. This helps your knee bend, turn and carry weight.
A meniscus tear is among the most common knee injuries, particularly for those who engage in sports.
2. Carpal Tunnel
Carpal tunnel is caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist. The symptoms are recurring numbness, tingling, weakness, or pain in your fingers; most usually caused by constant use of your hands, arms, and fingers (repetitive tasks).
3. Rotator Cuff Tear
Signs of a rotator cuff tear include pain and stiffness while attempting to move your shoulder or raise your arm.
A rotator cuff tear typically happens to people who repeatedly perform the same shoulder motions, such as weight training your shoulders. Treatment may include rest, medication, physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, or regenerative medicine (if surgery can be avoided).
4. Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is the most common reason for heel (back of the foot) pain.
It is caused by repeatedly stressing the plantar fascia; the ligament that connects the heel bone to the toes which supports the arch of your foot.
5. ACL Tear
ACL tears involves rupturing the anterior cruciate ligament, the ligament that runs through the middle of the knee.
The ACL provides stability and keeps your bones in the correct place. ACL tears usually occur during activities that involve quick stops and starts or pivots.
6. Tennis Elbow
AKA golfer’s elbow. Tennis elbow is caused when the tendons around the elbow get irritated and inflamed, causing pain.
Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of the muscles in the arm, forearm, and hands.
7. Ankle and Foot Sprains
Ankle and foot sprains occur when the foot or ankle is quickly twisted or turned … stretching or tearing the fibrous tissue that supports the foot and ankle.
8. Stress Fracture
A stress fracture is an injury that results from overuse. Simply, too much stress and wear is placed on the said area.
When muscles get tired and weak, they reduce their ability to protect the bones from stress and impact. When your muscles and bones are impacted over and over again, they can crack or fracture.
9. Dislocated Shoulder
A dislocated shoulder, also known as a labrum tear, typically causes severe pain and is often visibly noticeable.
Bodily accidents and sports injuries are often the cause of shoulder dislocation. Once your shoulder has been dislocated, it is definitley more prone to dislocate again.
10. Wrist Fracture
Wrist fractures are most often caused by falling down. The natural reaction while falling down is to out your hand down first, to block the fall.
Treatment options include immobilizing the wrist with a cast or, in some more serious cases, surgery.
We may be able to help you avoid surgery with the use of stem cell therapy in Melbourne and Vero Beach, FL.
Stem Cell Greatness is just one call away!
Now, if any of this sounds familiar to you and you are questioning if you really need surgery or not, please reach out to our staff to schedule an evaluation.
Evaluation is not stressful. We would need X-Rays, CT scans or any imagery that you have obtained from medical professionals regarding your injury.